Hello Gman, I think I read your whole
site and while I read the concerns about direct sunlight, humidity,
etc. I would like to hear your opinion about wall hangers for
guitars. I truly agree that if the guitar is not in reach, I
won't play it. Consequently, my Martin D-35 has spent most of
it's and my life in it's case. Life is too short for that so
I have decided to make it more accessible. Two little kids make the
floor stand a bad idea. I can keep them from
sunlight, etc, but the temp and humidity is another thing.
I appreciate your thoughts,
There's nothing wrong with hanging
your guitar from the wall but the same precautions apply.
There are special hangers you can get for this purpose. Hang
the guitar from the headstock, not the tuners. Make sure the
room is temperature and humidity controlled. You might want
to make sure you hang the guitar on an inside (warm) wall.
Also make sure sunlight won't come in through a window and strike
it. If the back of the guitar touches the wall, you'll need
to add a protective piece of felt or something on the wall behind the
body of the guitar where it touches.
Since you have kids, there's always
the possibility of a thrown object hitting the guitar as well.
Good luck,
Bob, Gman ( o )==#